Your business website,

Your business website,

designed by our AI.
Type any prompt
1,500+ created

🌐 Go live in 5 minutes



Enter a prompt. Give out details about the website (structure, content, colors, pages)


Preview the generated website. Change colors, text, images, icons, to match your brand.


Host online in a few clicks, or download project files. Connect to your own domain. Monitor analytics and forms.

Start with a prompt

We do the job. Our powerful AI understands your prompt, and creates a website with custom pages, images, icons, texts, and colors that just give the perfect feel.
Export to anywhere

Our AI generates a clean React site that can be published, or downloaded to be deployed anywhere.

Publish site

Or export code

Visual output previewVsCode output preview
Published successfully
Site editor
Preview the website. Edit colors, images, icons, to create something that perfectly fits your activity.


Questions we get asked

Have any more questions ? Reach us on our official Discord community.